In creating a Consultative group, a unique method of recruitment has been developed called “work assignment based recruitment”. The concept is simple and flexible.

Recruitment of project services is made on short assignment basis according to type and location of a project or assignment as well as the time needed to do the work at an agreed cost & expenses.

We have the ability to recruit, at short notice, the right services and expertise for large arrays of projects and companies.

Project Teams are chosen and or recruited on the basis of their qualifications, knowledge and direct experience of a specific project.

Guided by Family Nature Parcs principles and philosophy, our experienced people use a methodology and tool set that is realistic and pragmatic, yet based on the highest standards of professional knowledge.

We translate our philosophy into a pragmatic approach to project management. Rather than one-size-fits-all, we select, tailor and apply only those elements of project management methodology that are required to deliver the desired outcomes.
Our relationships and how we do our work are guided by a set of fundamental principles:

  • Honesty & Integrity
  • The program’s best interests will guide our thinking and actions.
  • Communication is paramount. Tell it like it is. Always. Promptly.
  • Our first loyalty is to the program.
  • Our professionals will have the right mix of skills and experience.
  • Our collective knowledge and experience is a resource to every program we manage.