Our Parcs will be outdoor state-of-the-art multi-sport and recreation age-based facilities offering older adults , a place where several aged-based sport and recreation facilities offering older adults multiple choices of physical activities that will include sports, golf, walking, hiking, gardening and other pleasant facilities of fun, relaxation and good health.
With an increasing number of wellness programs for all ages being introduced around the world, it’s becoming easier for the older adults to venture to wellness destinations with health goals in mind.
From tours and retreats to weekend getaways, active adults can combine leisure, health wellness activities with healing experiences.
Activities such as consuming mineral waters for specific aches and pains, energy renewal and strength building through yoga and Tai Chi and holistic treatments.
Let Family Nature Parcs help you plan your wellness programs. We offer a variety of family friendly games and activities for the whole family!
- 9 Hole Par 3 golf course
- Tennis
- Lawn games i.e. lawn bowling & bocce, croquet
- Swimming & aquatics
- Picnics
- Martial arts classes
- Creative arts
- Gardening & horticulture
- Walking, biking and hiking trails