Our Vision
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The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport commissioned this report on behalf of the True Sport Movement – Canada’s national movement for sport and community.
Our goal with this report is to provide the evidence that sport can be a powerful and positive influence in our communities. We want to help communities, policy makers at all levels, business leaders and those in sport, to see the tremendous potential that lies within our community sport system. We hope that they will work together, and come up with new approaches that put this potential to work for Canadians.
The True Sport Report” outlines conclusive proof of how good sport can be used intentionally to positively influence a wide range of societal goals, including child and youth development, crime prevention, education, social inclusion and economic and environmental sustainability”.
The report demonstrates that sport can be used to influence public policy to the benefit of Canadians in the following areas:
Child and youth development
Social development
Economic development
Environment sustainability
This report is intended to enable communities, policy makers, and business leaders to see the tremendous potential that lies within our community sport system and to catalyze new approaches that will put this potential to work for Canadians.
True Sport,www.truesport.ca is a national movement for sport and community. Its core mission is to be a catalyst to help sport live up to its full potential as a public asset for Canada and Canadian society – making a significant contribution to the development of youth, the well-being of individuals, and quality of life in our communities. To request a copy of the report please contact: info@truesport.ca
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Coming soon, your favourite Blog, your window to kids all over the world, exchanging sport and recreation ideas and plans, connecting with interesting kids of various cultures and nationalities, speaking wellness sports and how to remain healthy. Keep watching this website.
We are planning to get your hands muddy. Children Garden – (1.5 m X 1.5 m) children age 5-12, plant their choice of vegetables and flowers, to muddy their little hands and witness some of the miracles of nature
You too, mom and dad, will have your gardening Plots 4 M X 4 M- Vegetable Plots -rented seasonally to 14 years and over
Green House – Organic Vegetables (Commercial dimension 8-10 acres) rented to third party creating their – Local Produce Market – Under a Tent – to sell their locally produced fresh vegetables during the short spring and summer seasons.
We strongly object to the present practice by governments and corporate sponsors, when providing financial support to kids from economically disadvantaged families and to the disabled. The present practice, of the “means test” is wrong and humiliating, inflicting pain not only on the economically disadvantage families, but more important, on their kids who are made to feel “subsidized”.
We feel deeply that every child has a birthright to play without feeling guilty to want to play or being the cause of humiliating their families by forcing them to submit to the “means test”.
Our studies would indicate that most new Canadian and aboriginals families do not participate in sport for many reasons, the most important being the escalating costs of sports and to avoid making financial demand on the limited budget of their families.
We are planning to try to eliminate present forms of the “means test”. For the purpose of implantation of its no “means test” policy, we are planning to seek to complete the formation of a hybrid corporate status. One is a for-profit the other not-for-profit.
We are also planning to make a substantial number of seasonal vacancies in our sport facilities available FREE of charge to the economically disadvantage boys and girls, and will seek to interest governments and corporate donors to follow our initiative by matching sponsorship as may be requested by us.
We will proactively seek to raise funds from donors, hosting special fund raising events to make available opportunities for all kids to play regardless of their economic status or disability.
Our Parcs will be outdoor state-of-the-art multi-sport and recreation age-based facilities offering older adults , a place where several aged-based sport and recreation facilities offering older adults multiple choices of physical activities that will include sports, golf, walking, hiking, gardening and other pleasant facilities of fun, relaxation and good health.
With an increasing number of wellness programs for all ages being introduced around the world, it’s becoming easier for the older adults to venture to wellness destinations with health goals in mind.
From tours and retreats to weekend getaways, active adults can combine leisure, health wellness activities with healing experiences.
Activities such as consuming mineral waters for specific aches and pains, energy renewal and strength building through yoga and Tai Chi and holistic treatments.
Let Family Nature Parcs help you plan your wellness programs. We offer a variety of family friendly games and activities for the whole family!