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Other Sports & Games Facilities
This is a special features of this landsite. It may not be available in our other parks. The plan is to develop a section of the Jock River into a miniature Rideau Canal to provide a safe and controlled natural water environment for children (4-13 years) to teach them safe water activities while have fun swimming, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, fishing and to play water polo during the summer and to enjoy ice skating and ice fishing in winter.
Canoeing sub-links and if need be sub-sub-links
Water Polo
Walking Trails – all ages 3 -4 km
Bike Trails – Adults & Toddlers 7years old and over – 3- 5 kilometres
BIKE TRAIL – Toddlers 4-6 years 500 m
Children Garden – (1.5 m X1.5 m) children age 5-12, plant their choice of vegetables and flowers, to muddy their little hands and witness some of the miracles of nature
Gardening Plots 4M X4 M- Vegetable Plots -rented seasonally to 14 years and over
Green House – Organic Vegetables (Commercial dimension 8-10 acres) rented to third party
Local Produce Market – Under a Tent – to sell locally produced fresh vegetables during the short spring and summer seasons.
2 Adults Outdoors Hockey Rinks
2 Juniors Outdoors Hockey Rinks
Ski-Hill for Toddlers, teaching ski 4-12 years
Snow shoe walking – 12 years and over
Cross Country Skiing – 12 years and over
Indigenous and Ethnic Sports and Games