Sport facilities were built for the masses of a population. This One Size Fits All sport and recreation facilities outlived its usefulness. The time has come for a new and daring concept of community sport.
Canada, as a country, is unique in having developed and matured sport and recreation into a major industry, generating in 2011 annual revenues in excess of $64 billion. Canadian community sport is operated on a seasonal basis by 33,650 not for profit organizations.
Community Sport and Recreation is a booming business in Canada. Revenues for the year 2011 were in access of $ 65 billion and are projected to continue rising at a sustainable rate of 9%-16% annually.
There are 33,650 community sport and recreation Organizations in Canada. The majority are not-for-profit organizations. Almost all are actively engaged in the coaching and training of sports and recreational activities and events.
FAMILY NATURE PARCS IncTM. (FNP) is the next generation of one-stop age-based, multi-community outdoor sport and recreation facilities whose time has arrived!
“Sport is not a privilege, it is a right and should not be denied by any means including current unaffordable fees”!
Aerial photo of the Land Site- within the red border - area 138.44 acres, located between Ashton Station Road(less than 2 kilometres to HW-7 and HW 417 West) and McCaffrey Trail. Showing the Jock River travels a distance of 1,666 feet through the land site.
:(1)Jock River (2) McCaffrey Trail (3) Forested Hill 43 ft high (4)Ashton Station Road Map Direction
(5)Entrance and Exit to Parc at road allowance and Ashton Station Road
Douglas J. Cardinal, O.C., Ph.D. (h.c.)
Family Nature Parcs and Fred L Farha are honored and privileged to announce his appointment as our Chief Architect & Senior Advisor
Douglas Cardinal the internationally acclaimed Canadian architect of Métis and Blackfoot heritage will inspire our dreams for the realization of our first community outdoor sport and recreational facility in Ashton, Ottawa then spreading our outdoor wellness FNPs across Canada and the world.
Honoring Darya's legacy- The birth of Family Nature Parcs
Darya Eugenie Farha
(March 24, 1965 – November 16, 2011)
It was Darya Eugenie Farha, to whom the Ashton Family Nature Parc will be officially dedicated, who inspired her father Fred L Farha, founder and Chairman of Family Nature Parcs, to abandon his advanced plans to develop an upper scale 18 hole golf course and exclusive clubhouse facilities on his 138.4 acres located at Ashton in the City of Ottawa, Ontario Canada.
Darya reminded her dad of the outdoor Nature Parc he visited often in Sweden, which he used to describe to her as 'an outdoor paradise of nature, sport, recreation and wellness'.
Later, it was Darya who asked her father to include, in the development plans of the first Family Nature Parcs taking place at Ashton, a large tent for 300 persons and to place the tent in a prominent place in the Parc and to call it "The Nation's Tent".
That was Darya's legacy of devotion to her beloved multicultural Canada. A tent a place where all Canadians of their beautiful ethnical diversity, especially the children, come to meet other Canadians, to socialize, to witness and experience their each other true culture, languages, dress, music and to bond, in the tent of one great multicultural country, Canada, as one cohesive and equal citizens.